As an interior designer I have always known the impact that our environment has on us, but since qualifying as a SENSORY INTELLIGENCE practitioner in 2019,
I have understood the vital role that the 7 senses play in our physical, mental and emotional wellness.
Living through a pandemic such as Covid-19 has emphasized this even further, as homes have become everything from school rooms to offices and more than ever people are feeling sensory overload and burnout.
““In every daily environment, the human brain gets flooded with sensory stimuli. We hear, see, smell, touch, taste and move.Through this constant bombardment of stimuli, your brain needs to filter, process and navigate in order to act appropriately. The impact of environmental stimuli will either facilitate stress and distraction or calmness and focus.Understanding your environment through your unique sensory style means we can identify triggers and understand the impact of environmental stimuli on our daily focus, energy and productivity””
In this process the Sensory Matrix TM is used to measure and understand your personal sensory style, followed by a thorough spatial assessment.